Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands – expansion of vocational facilities
The buildings of the high school of south Iceland(FSU) are Oddi, Ida and Hamar, where vocational education takes place. With the addition of an extension to Hamar, vocational facilities will be greatly improved, flexibility increased, innovation in teaching methods offered along with extensive research and developement work.
The main objective is to provide a good environment in the form of housing and adjoining plots. An environment that provides young people with the conditions for good education, postgraduate studies and social participation. Good classrooms that respond to the demands of the operation for usability, and attractive accommodations in common spaces between classrooms are integral for successful school housing.
The extension and the existing housing are integrated together into a whole. Workshops and classrooms are arranged by corridors and “squares” according to the predetermined relationship. The arrangement includes flexibility in school activities and strengthens the relationship with other FSU houses.
The new construction is connected to Hamar’s west side. Together, these buildings form an FSU vocational study complex, which consists of two main wings. Wood workshops, together with classrooms, are located in the current building that forms the northernmost wing. In the south wing, metalworking, hair and other general classrooms are arranged along with the teacher facilities. Electricity, multimedia, photography and a general workshop, together with classrooms, combine these wings into one unit. An outdoor workshop for the woodworking is located between the two wings.
Year | 2013 |
Type of project | Purchased Proposal |