Borg in Grímsnes
The primary school of Grímsness- and Grafningshreppur in Borg in Grímsnesi is designer for around 40 children in 1st to 7th grade. The school environment focuses on individual learning with a strong emphasis on vocational education. The goal is that the house can also be used outside regular school hours for leisure programs for adults as well as a youth center for teenagers. Ideas of housing a museum in the building have also shaped the design of it. The building also houses administrative offices on the top floor.
The 2nd floor of the primary school is shared between a teachers facility and the county offices which includes a shared lunchroom, meeeting room, toilets, copyroom etc. The offices of the principal and teachers is through the lunchroom while the county offices are accessed through the reception. Storage rooms are by the end of the hallway which can also be utilized as offices. From the parking spaces by the entrance the entrance to the second floor is clearly visible, which is especially useful when the building is utilized as a museum.
A seperate entrance for the school is on the south gable of the building which is connected well with play areas as well as the sporting areas. The swimming pool and the sports hall share a common changing room that can fit up to 80 persons at the same time. The size of the sport hall is based around the size of a small basketball field while both the swimming pool and sports hall are design in such a way that allows them to be expanded in the future.
Year | 2004-2006 |
Location | Borg in Grímsnes, Iceland |
Total size | School 772.7m2, Swimming pool and sports hall 884m2 |
Commissioned by | Eignarhaldsfélagið Fasteign |
Photos | Hans-Olav Andersen |